Freedom &
REnewal Encounter
At the Riovolution Church en Español in Maryville, Tennessee, we held our Freedom & Restoration Encounter (FREE) conference. We were amazed by how God moved in our midst, leaving us speechless. During the conference, we witnessed God healing each participant from the bondage of hurt, rejection, lack of forgiveness, loss of identity, and curses. It was a truly transformative experience for everyone involved.
There were several highlights worth mentioning. During Friday night's teaching on the power of the finished work of Christ, we shared an experience at Restoration Church, Alpharetta, Georgia. During a youth service, there was a Word of Knowledge for healing lower backs. Eleven stood up; from these eleven, God healed two before prayer. One participant had lower herniated discs, and the doctors told him he was sentenced to be in a wheelchair if he got his back stuck again. As we shared the experience at youth night, Emiliano told God that it would be nice if Jesus would heal his back. Immediately, he felt his bones move and crack; he says he felt someone literally unplugged his column and plugged it back in. Pain gone! For the first time in years, he was bending, jumping, twisting with no pain whatsoever.
Our deliverance ministry is short (lasts only 5 minutes), simple, and without shows. It is done from the winning side and involves the Holy Spirit (Word of Knowledge, discernment of spirits, and faith), the person ministered to, and the person delivering. It is all done in Jesus' name and His finished work. The demons are not allowed to talk, create scenes, or vomit. We experienced 18 deliverances.
At every FREE Conference, we believe ending with a ministry of the Holy Spirit and His fire is important. Watching almost everyone experience that fire was fascinating, with some crying and others laughing and shaking. About 75% of the attendees got "drunk in the Spirit". During the conference, Daniel, the worship leader, shared his vision: he saw the whole place being hosed with fire and felt someone walking behind him, even though there was no one close to him. Seeing this group experience something so beautiful when they had never had it before was truly amazing. God sealed the event with four physical healings: stomach issues, blood pressure, lower back, and headaches.
During the God encounter night, one lady (a first-time guest at their church) gave her life to Jesus. We typically spend a few minutes letting Jesus "marinate" over us. During this soaking time, God did several miracles (some creative): one gentleman who had severe allergies that were affecting his vision was completely healed; a six-year-old who left his glasses at home (cannot see well without them) got his vision restored and was seeing without any issues; a man with lower back issues who could not bend was healed; a lady who was pregnant had not felt her baby in two weeks and was scheduled for a checkup started to feel the baby move from side to side and kicking; a lady's belly was in severe pain, and she felt heat and was healed; a right knee meniscus healed. Finally, one gentleman has been without blood pressure meds and has had blood pressure controlled without medication for days! Lastly, seeing the youth on the ground burning with His fire was priceless. It was a night to remember healings, prophetic words, and His presence: what else could we ask for?
Our team
Signature Awakening is Christ-centered and Holy Spirit-empowered. Jesus is the one who receives "power and riches and wisdom and might and honor and glory and blessing" (Revelation 5:12). This ministry is not about the team and their gifts but about exalting Jesus. Any teaching or ministry is only worth pursuing if Jesus is exalted. When Jesus shows up, the Holy Spirit shows off!
Vijay’s passion is to reach the current generation for Jesus while being passionate and on fire for Him, and experiencing miracles, signs and wonders.
Carlos is passionate about God and His supernatural power while training the young generation to manifest the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth.
Philippians 2:9